Friday, December 24, 2010

Maybe when I am used to grief, I no longer have your script

If you like her

To Do ~ frankly admit it?

Is not only seen you together,

I can completely give up hope?

Because now I can not find reason to give up hope,

Each time the efforts to convince himself,

Abandoned well, because your hot and cold

Abandoned well, because I know it ~

How absolutely impossible between us,

To give good, Whenever I see you and her ambiguous ~

Give up the right, whenever I feel tired when

Give up the better. Every time I feel very sad time love ~

However, all sorts of reasons,

Easily each time the concern is you occasionally to reverse the words ~

Sometimes, a person you have a special feeling

But this feeling come and go too fast

Suddenly, I actually hope that one day wake up ~

Can suddenly forget the present, I feel you,

I do not want to continue this silly look at you and her,

You do not want to wait until the day together and we have to tell blatant given up their own

You do not want to linger in the awkward role play between

I know that our relationship,

At most, can only be used on an ordinary friend, good friend of the down and describe

I can not set a role

Standing in a fixed position at you ~

I know someday I will be sad to leave

Leave this with you and her world

But I am still trapped in the script in this wishful thinking

Can not escape, can not withdraw ~

Does anyone can tell me

How to completely give up?

Perhaps, some love that will never be the answer

Or, some answers will never know better?

I'm at a loss does not help ~ ~ I ~ I panicked

Can not wait for you in each newsletter of the night,

I know that everything should end up ~

However, can not completely forget before I awake?

You inadvertently walked into my world

Since then rewrite the story of my life ~

Because of you, more than a sad story

More exciting part of the

More memorable clips

However, it can have a dialogue to make me cry ~

I thought when I used to grief after the

My script will not have you ~

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