Thursday, December 30, 2010





Hey yo!!!! xD

since your english improved in such lightning speed,

let me start yours with english!! haha xD

Known you since January~

I knew that you're a very good person.... and a very nice person too haha xD

The first thing you ever said to others is...

Why is someone beside me so noisy??? LOL

You know i very hurt boh~~ X')

The second thing you talked to me is...

Why is your head so round? LOL

i think that that's my first status in facebook xD

and the second thing is

Why is your laughter so weird? LOL again xD


it's a pleasure to meet you~

Our 4-people-group was a perfect team you know~~

Until.... You-Know-What-Happened ... Sad ><

But anyway you and me maintain a quite good friendship right?? xD

It's nice to meet you~

You know that i shed tears when you told me you were going right?? xD hahahahahaha~~

so sad lar when i know that you're going away~~

Well, it's a pleasure to meet you~~ =)

Hope that we can maintain a very very nice friendship Forever~~

Octopus here =)"


is time to turn for english..
that's the year become too many pressure towards on me...
this few day...
i'm unhappy because of something happened..
i'm ambivalent..
i'm confused..
i'm useless....
yi ping.!!!!!!!!!
take up your courage!!
take up your perseverance!!!
you should be brave to face it..
if not!!!
you are failed!!!
just take it easy..
just be mindful in anything!!
you must overcome all the difficulties..
not be overcome of them..
welcome next year..
and say goodbye to this year^^
all the best on next year^^
smile always

Monday, December 27, 2010


1000 psc
i haven't complete yet..
still got half...

the 2nd day..
the 1st day...


very boring during the holiday...
i try to memories the lyrics of jay chou..

Friday, December 24, 2010

『Simple guard』

Simple simple love to you,

Simple happiness is not a simple romance,

Give you only a simple flat.

Shady midnight is still beautiful,

Sitting on the rooftop listening to the love song of winter,

Want to laugh, but has pale,

Cry, but tears have dried.

The wind is still cold, but why I do not feel it biting,

Feel that the usual scraping pain.

Gray space, only one solo,

The original will know that you will understand me.

You say the simple but self-deception people

Want is that the simple romance, or simply romantic.

Gray space, I was the only one solo,

But gray head, but only for your guard.

I may be a suitable guardian,

You want romance I can not give you

Now everything you want, I can not give you.

Only by telephone, to the fine care you will not let you hurt as much as possible,

But you can not read, do you think it is just plain boring,

Repeated numerous times a long time maybe you hate me.

Fear of losing grip tighter, but you have farther away from me.

The night is still quiet, you are at the distant place,

Thoughts are still so strong,

Know you're busy, want to pull out many times that I remember most clearly through the numbers,

Can still Renxia the.

Afraid you busy with work is not convenient, think about whether you have a cold, not feeling the ...

I want very simple, just want to hear your voice every day,

Know a bit happier, healthy, enough ...

『About I love you ... only as an illusion ~』

You have your sweet, you have your life,

You have your all.

I can only do a passerby inside your life,

I can not accompany you to go so far

Remember, I will have as your audience,

Even if no one's attention.

Like to see you happy,

Not too much luxury,

I will interpret this number as a half of the show,

The other half I can not do anymore,

So you treasure.

I actually do not know when to begin like cry,

But every time I want to cry when you gave me the text on the comfort,

I always hated that myself

Always put yourself in front of you seemed so fragile,

I do not like this, I am strong,

It seems to me that met you in my heart there is a sustenance it,

So thank you, in my helpless like to be my audience.

As, I love you,

I think ~ this is just a little illusion of it,

I know someday I will meet that met,

I will be passing the passing,

There is no you,

But definitely there will be a better person for me ...

The disturbed earth in

There are too many people, too many things.

Too many people eventually become a passing,

Too many things eventually become a memory ...

Like, me and your story ~

Will eventually become each other's memories ...