Tuesday, February 15, 2011

『real heart』

this few day i damn soooo happy because of something else...

oh yeah!!!!!
that's true..!!
that's real..!!
i'm happiness..
no matter that i'm sweet..
damn happy la...^.<
yesterday was the year of the valentine's day...
but i was not celebrated it with my lover..
i'm celebrated with my dear friend=]
we're damn crazy...
our valentine's was fun..was great....=]
i hope that we're friendship can be forever and forever.....
i felt that i'm very happiness because of your wishes and your trust...
thanks for you to trust in me...
i won't let you disappoint to me...
i swear..
i promise you=]

and i hope that all the future valentine's i can celebrate with my lover too=]
will you??^^v
you had already told me that you will...=]
thanks for those who have given me a such happiness...

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