Monday, February 28, 2011

『a promise』

Someone once said to me:

"Kite flying is not casual,

that regardless of wind or small wind kite will fly even under a slight move up..

Because only the wind to get it to move, only the wind to fly ...

to make it feel happy .... not because of kites "flower heart.".

that is because it no longer worry about the kite the wind..

You are the wind that, and I was the kite..

I always have to kite the direction to go..

And now, the wind that is the kite is going..

so the kite in such a short time before they are willing to fly so high..

because the kite can be sure that this gust blew himself he is going place..

And the name of that place, called "Forever "。。。。

Thank you for letting me be the wind that. .

I will not let you down. .

Please trust me. .

I am willing to pay you,

I am willing to pay for you all. .

Because you are worth it. .

I can not, I fear,

As long as you by my side, I will be very reassuring, it is safe to do so. .

A long love needs trust. .

A stable love, need to hone. .

Able to meet, is the fate,

Be together, is fate. .

I want you, I love you. .

I'm afraid you are fed every day. .

I worry every day whether you sleep warm. .

I worry every day whether you are health. .

I worry every day whether you are happy. .

I worry every day whether you are happiness. .

If you can say. . I would like next to protect you every day. .

I can not have every minute stay by your side. .


My heart is always with you. .

Thank you for giving me has been the concern and love. .

I will use my lifetime to love you. .

I hope we can work together to the end. .

I love you. .


Tuesday, February 15, 2011



『real heart』

this few day i damn soooo happy because of something else...

oh yeah!!!!!
that's true..!!
that's real..!!
i'm happiness..
no matter that i'm sweet..
damn happy la...^.<
yesterday was the year of the valentine's day...
but i was not celebrated it with my lover..
i'm celebrated with my dear friend=]
we're damn crazy...
our valentine's was fun..was great....=]
i hope that we're friendship can be forever and forever.....
i felt that i'm very happiness because of your wishes and your trust...
thanks for you to trust in me...
i won't let you disappoint to me...
i swear..
i promise you=]

and i hope that all the future valentine's i can celebrate with my lover too=]
will you??^^v
you had already told me that you will...=]
thanks for those who have given me a such happiness...

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Not fit you the most pain

But put down but never forget you

The most pain is not breaking up you said to me

But you said to me: We have concluded

The most pain is not hiding in the corner crying

But in front of others to smile, but his heart is crying

The most pain is not remembered when you

But someone asked me, when you

The most pain I've ever promised you I love you

But you promised to give my life beautiful lie

The most pain you've left me not

But we have sweet memories

The most pain is not less than you give me a sunny day

But you have given me endless rain

The most pain is not listening to me really hurt

It's at least listening to you Sandy

The most pain is not met but you do not know what to say

I met you, but it was muffled heart

The most pain you give me not

But I gave up my own

The most pain is not what you said to me, forget me

But you said to me: I am sorry, please do not love me

The most pain I is not coming every night, when a person

But the dead of night before reading out the phone over and over again the message you sent me

The most pain is not what you do not love me

But I still love you so Fanjian

Pain deep in my heart the most is not the one you lived

But deep in your heart no longer me

The most pain is not what we gave up all

But we missed each other between

The most painful of the most painful of the most painful of the most painful

I was heartbroken still do not want to wake